Pemma Ashdown
Speech & Language Therapist, Voice Therapist, Mindfulness Practitioner, Singer/Songwriter
contact: +44 7557331118
I love singing! Singing is good for your wellbeing, mental and physical health and helps you to connect with the moment and others. It can uplift your mood, help us to move through different emotions and express our feelings more effectively. It can also bring a lot of enjoyment!
I love words! As a Speech and Language Therapist I endeavour to enable others to access their own words more readily, and to understand what others are saying to them more easily...and beyond this, to connect.
I am offering poetry, songwriting and /or singing workshops for anyone who is interested in being more creative with their own words and their own voice…to express feeling, humour, emotion, intention, whatever it is that you need to express. We are all essentially creative beings and as humans we need to express ourselves.
I offer workshops to:
People who have had a stroke (aphasia)
People with learning difficulties/differences
Anyone who would like to explore this aspect of themselves more...
Songs and album
In July 2020 I finally released an album of some of my songs. With the lockdown, I also became creative with video. I hope you enjoy!
Swanage Sea written in honour of the moon and standing on a clifftop in Swanage, Dorset.
Join me for creative play with words and singing. Get in touch for more details.
You can purchase, download or stream my album here.
or bandcamp
Thank you