Pemma Ashdown
Speech & Language Therapist, Voice Therapist, Mindfulness Practitioner, Singer/Songwriter
contact: +44 7557331118
With my experience of working with children, young people and adults who have speech, language and communication difficulties, and as a specialist in voice along with my experience with mindfulness and compassion based meditation practices, I can offer a range of training and consultation packages:
Whole school training to teachers and teaching assistants on speech, language and communication needs (SCLN)
Whole school training to teachers on voice care
Training other professionals about speech, language and communication difficulties e.g. health professionals, GPs
Voice workshops/training packages for professional voice users such as teachers, sales people, entrepreneurs, presenters, fitness instructors on how to best look after the voice
corporate training for communication skills training and vocal training
poetry, songwriting, singing workshops
Mindfulness and compassion practices and training workshops for health professionals and business/corporate